Weight Watchers and Me: It’s Complicated

I teach a creative writing class Monday evenings, and I always bring a snack with me.  Until this week, when I didn’t.  During the break, I went to the vending machine (the cafe was closed) to investigate snacks.  All crap.  But there were nuts.  I chose a 1oz bag of cashews.  Not a bad snack.  But when I plugged it into my WW tracker later, I discovered that snack was 5pp. Seriously.

I know that in theory, I have my 49 weekly points to use, and I can earn Activity Points, to cover the nuts.  “Spending” 5pp on nuts shouldn’t bother me.  But then I started to think about how I started buying the bread that I only “sort of” like instead of the bread I love, because it’s only 1pp per slice instead of 2.  I’ve been skipping my 4pp yogurt (which my guts love) because on some days, I don’t have the points available.  I’ve made a few other changes like that over the past few weeks; choosing more processed foods rather than whole foods because they are less in points.  Not good. 

I considered trying the Simply Filling plan, but I need to track things. Not tracking leads to…well, not so good things for me.  Not that my eating has been stellar lately.  Clearly, I’m struggling.  And I’m my own worst enemy. 

So, again, I’m left wondering if I really want to be in this relationship.  I know that WW works for so many people, and I really, really wish I were one of them.  I know that the problems I have with the program are, by and large, my problems, not necessarily the fault of the program. 

I don’t know what the answer is.  Whatever “program” I decide to follow, I know that I have to do the work, and focus on making lasting changes. 

Weight Watchers folks: how do you navigate eating whole, healthy foods v. food that’s simply low in points?



About JessieB

Just a 30-something girl trying to figure it all out. I write about weight loss, books, motherhood, life, and whatever is on my mind.
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6 Responses to Weight Watchers and Me: It’s Complicated

  1. Susan says:

    I have specific foods I’m willing to splurge my points on. For me – my milk(1%), real cheese (not low fat). A white italian breaf I am not willing to part ways with, and a few others. Once I picked those items as a priority, I plan ahead. If I’m having them, I plan accordingly. The only time I get in trouble is if I don’t plan. Being that I plan on 4-6 activity points a day (I use active link) I can automatically count those in. By doing that, and planning for them, I rarely have to ever touch mY weeklies, and it forces me to stay on track with my goals.

  2. Tina says:

    I actually stopped doing WW because I was always conflicted with those choices. I do best when I do My Fitness Pal & look at the pie chart. My goal is 1300 calories, 50% carbs, 25% fat, 25% protein. Sometimes, if I’m still struggling, I use a little checklist: 10 servings of produce, 3-5 protein-rich servings (shrimp, yogurt, eggs, cheese, nuts, beans, chicken, etc.) and 2 servings of dairy.

    How about an accountability date? During the summer, I have Friday’s off. And Evan works most weeknights, so I can use that time as needed. I’m not sure what your schedule is like, but how about a monthly accountability/support group date. Us and the boys. We could go walking, do dinner or coffee or whatever to chat about work, weight, kids, etc. I’m serious. Besides, I may need your advice in crafting my FSP class if I get hired 🙂

    • I would love an accountability date! I’m only teaching online a little this summer, so my schedule is wide open!

      I do love MFP, but I had a hard time transitioning to thinking in calories, and not having someone weigh me. I may try it again.

  3. I try to eat the whole foods but maybe choose a smaller portion. To that smaller portion I bulk it up with fruits/veggies so that the quantity is overwhelmingly huge and that I feel full for a long time.

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